Audio Magic's Eclipse

I'm certainly not going to convince any of you audiophools (nor am I trying ) to try an Audio Magic Power Conditioner if you've, haven't already. I have gone the way of the Stealth to the Matrix, and now, the Eclipse. The Eclipse, though pricey, does it all, and does it VERY BIG! Uses 2 power cords to isolate digital from analog. The unit itself (compared to the Stealth and Matrix--cheap looking, I know) has undergone a major cosmetic overhaul. You can get the whole nine from the Audio Magic website. This is not an entry level power conditioner. If you're not happy with your power conditioner, I very strongly suggest you give this baby a listen. (acutually, if you're not happy with your power conditioner, you don't have to go with the Eclipse. The Stealth will most likely do it for you, hands down.) I thought my Matrix was it, but the Eclipse's soundstage is so wide and deep that I still freak, when I hear how deep some instruments go behind the speakers. You've heard all the adjective stereo lingo before in these power conditioner reviews and such. I love this hobby; and while my ears may not be the best

I'm very secure about what I hear or don't hear. This baby delivers big. Expensive? Yep. And with good power cords, you're talking some serious $$. Worth it? To me, a big yes. For Audio Magic Matrix and Stealth owners the move to the Eclipse will by like going from a BMW 525 to the BMW 540i. Sorry for the corny comparison. Couldn't resist. peace, warren
Just got my AUDIO MAGIC ECLIPSE. Went from ps audio power plant (quiet but kills your dynamics) to AUDIO MAGIC MATRIX and now with the ECLIPSE. The matrix was a major improvent (check out absolute sound review) ......especilly if as Warren points out digital is separated from analog on separate circuits. The ECLIPSE adds in spades to what the matrix did..... better dynamics, separation, air, depth width name it!
Notes now seem to float and hover before dissapating in air...and the dynamics !.

Thank you Jerry at AUDIO MAGIC. No serious system should be without!

This system is outstanding. I'm thrilled I went with this over the other options. Definitely worth the price tag. It has the best sound I've ever heard. You can't have a real system without this.

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