Helmholtz treatment "only" work on ONE frequency and to bring down a peak in that very specific frequency and nothing more or less.
So you had 100 bulky Helmholtz devices around your room probably not that bulky when you have 100 of them so they are smaller and then less powerful.
So you can treat 100 different PEAKS in 100 different frequencies.. and or probably several of them treating the same frequency peak when they're not that big and powerful.
It would be fun to listen to that system when all correction is done in the physical domain.
But if I had that much problems with my room and the placement of speakers and sweet spot then i would never put a stereo in that room that seams be a room from hell in my opinion.
Lets compare a miniDSP has 10 PEQ filters and each one of them IS like a Helmholtz actually! In the sense that a PEQ use a specific frequency just like the Helmholtz, then we can adjust it to take a higher amplitude of a peek in dB but narrower OR lower but in a wider frequency band around that specific frequency.
So IF anybody has the time (week/weeks) and patience (in theory) to build AND tune 10 Helmholtz that needs to be of different volume so it would be possible that achieve almost the same what a DSP would do better in 5 minute. (And if you move anything or get new speakers or something then it needs to a retuning..)
But to take those 10 and tenfold them to 100 yeh maybe that is needed when they probably is smaller and less powerful that they need to be If there were only 10 of them.. Just imagine to take 100 books and place them on the floor, and scattered around on the floor around the sweet spot, and a book is far smaller than a Helmholtz resonator.. i can not imagine that mess.. (and then also add all the other treatment types that you also mentioned.)
I will crawl back under my stone when I really don't have bandwidth to maintain a discussion. 🥰