Do you spend more time analyzing the sound of your system, worrying it could be better?

Great article here from Dan Wright of ModWright:

If it Sounds Good, It IS Good



I think it applies to just about every hobby, music, cameras,musical instruments, etc the list goes on and on. But we all do it in slightly different ways. Some do it all the time, in constant striving for that elusive sound they are looking for, some get new equipment and are satisfied for awhile, content to just enjoy what they have until some outside force or opinion affect there choices, and I'm sure there are other ways as well. All are OK, we all do things differently.

 I wonder though are we ever really satisfied ?

The one thing I don't think most really consider is our actual hearing itself. While we are chasing that certain sound, our actual hearing is slowly but certainly going downhill.

So as has been said, just enjoy the music.

Great thread BTW.

I got into some Linkwitz Orions about 16 years ago and fell in love.  I'm still in love with them.  They're my "forever" loudspeaker and now I don't have to worry about all the little nits and details.  There are other loudspeakers I've heard that sound great, but my Orions still make me smile.

Nope. I absolutely know my system *could* sound better - they always can, but in my case, for far more money than it would be worth. I'm never aware of any system deficiencies when I listen, so hey, I'm done and happy.

The only thing that makes me unhappy is when I play music that I enjoy, but it's only available on a recording that fell victim to the loudness wars era. Those I listen to in the car...