Does a graphic equalizer show where your amp is lacking?

 I am a fringe relatively unknowledgeable audiophile. I purchased a year ago on  Audiogon both a Technics SUG700 integrated amp and Canton 9k reference speakers with shaker cables, my source is a Marantz CD player all interconnects are 35-year-old monster cable. It is a very revealing system. Having said that I recently purchased a Schiits Loki equalizer and was surprised at the amount of added detail it provided to the music most noticeable in the higher frequencies i.e. violins have more sparkle and inner detail.  My question does this mean the sug700 is lacking in that regard.Also since the Loki alters the sound is this like having different speakers simply by altering the sound signature of the Cantons by boosting or suppressing its various frequencies? What is the downside to equalizers other than adding another piece of gear the signal travels through?

As an aside I read a post on here about Chinese knock-off audio goods so for the fun of it my price of admission was around $20 for a pair of knock-off Van din Hull interconnects normally costing a few hundred bucks. Well, I got what I expected JUNK wrapped in a Van din Hull cover. It played ok until I turned up the volume when my amp told me "signal overflow" whatever that means( clipping ?). Anyway removed the ripoff and attached my old Monster interconnects and no more signal overflow just sweet music. If these were the real deal they are defective as evident when taking it apart, just sloppy workmanship! One example the center pin on one RCA interconnect was not only poorly coated but half of one pin was cut through! The copper strands were sloppily crimped with many strands not where they should be  and no soldered connections just press fit. 


If I had issues with any frequency, I would look at the source first. I have a difficult time with some of my older media, THEN the room. I say that tongue in cheek. Both have to be right to make a call for tone control. If the room and source are good, I have to do very little with a full range speaker. Set the controls to flat and away I go.

I use GR servos and DSP Bass management I also use Helmholtz tuning with 2 100cf tuning resonators on the front wall and 4 adj traps on the side walls.

I EQ the room just like a graphic and parametric. I can actually notch single or multiple spots or tune around to lower SPL with a lower region. It can’t correct for suck-out or combing but if the room is tuned 1/2 way right you won’t have that problem.

If all else fails, tone control or a graphic EQ will work just fine.

Loudness trim is what made Mcintosh controls so nice. My personal favorite if I’m using a NON "Line stage pre". Currently I’m using a SLP-05 Cary.. There is ZERO tone control there. Most of the media is working out well enough. I still have LPads via speaker XO for treble and mids. I have a little wiggle room. 280hz and below has always been the greatest challenge in any of my rooms. Once I clean that up, the mids and highs are easy..

Helmholtz the only way to fly..

I recently purchased a Schiits Loki equalizer and was surprised at the amount of added detail it provided to the music most noticeable in the higher frequencies...

Could be your ears!

Some 60+ year old can't hear frequency higher than 10kHz.


If you like it, then just pour any extra funds into a CD or two.

And if it is OK for you, then the last thing you want to do is start spending up on cables.

Let’s see, I’m 87 was in the military in 1954 in the signal corps working around 105 mm guns with no protection, I probably can’t hear frequencies above 10kHz  but I still enjoy my music  😂😂😂




All amps have a certain signature sound. You want to find one that is as neutral as possible to let the recording come through untouched. The true purpose of an EQ is to correct for room acoustics . If you are using to try and correct your amp get a different amp. Example; an amp with bad mids run into an EQ will only amplify or boost the bad mids.