Every day I see another turntable recommendation...

After digging into this topic, I am convinced now I need to go a bit higher on this first vinyl set up. I think all in, I am prepared at this point to go up to $5k, for the table alone, not including arm or cartridge.

But frankly, being on this forum is like drinking from an information firehose. I have learned a bunch and yet somehow, I am less convicted than before.

With that in mind, to narrow down the decision, I am want to restrict myself to things I can buy, hear and, if necessary, service locally. My local dealers stock, AMG, AVM, Basis, Clearaudio, Michell, Musichall, Pro-ject, Rega, VPI, so I am likely restricted to those brands. I am certain my view will change by the end of this thread.


With 5k and all in, like another poster indicated, it will not cover everything needed at that budget. You will need, as mentioned, a phono preamp, a tonearm, a cartridge, and let’s not forget a nice pair of phono cables. I would suggest at your 5k budget, a Music Hall mmf-7.3 or even the 9.3, $1600-$1800 and $2400-$2700 respectively, depending on whether you choose black or walnut finish. Both tables already come with cartridges (reflected in prices). The mmf 7.3 comes with a very nice 2m Bronze, the 9.3 a goldring Eroica lx. Pair either table with either the pro ject tube box ds2 $1000 or a Tavish the classic tubed preamp, or even a Tavish Adagio, $800 and $2190 respectively. Buy a nice pair of Atlas element Integra low capacitance phono cables to go with either. The 7.3 and the Tavish classic or pro-ject ds2 will leave you with money to invest in records, as I think you will find that in the long run, you will have spent more money on your collection than you have spent on the rig....otherwise, if you opt for the 9.3 and the Tavish Adagio, you will be right at the 5k mark. All products mentioned have received rave reviews at their respective price points.

Alternatively, go with an Avid Ingenium turntable and upgrade its mdf platter with the metal one. It will cost about the same as the mmf-9.3 walnut version mentioned above, about $2700. I own all but the 9.3 and Adagio. I can attest to the quality of these products. You are getting a lot for your money.

You could even grab the Technics sl1200GR or the G direct drive turntables, $1700 and $4000 respectively. The GR route will leave plenty of your budget for the cartridge (I’d recommend the Hana EL or EH @ $475) and a nice phono preamp, and still have some money left over for a starter collection of LP’s...


In all honesty, the Music Hall MMF-7.3 is a sleeper of a turntable. It responds to not only a better cartridge, but also what it rests on. It will also respond to platter mats, be it the ringmat or a stein music mat. Michael Fremer actually preferred the sound of the 7.3 to the 9.3. In taking a good look at the 7.3's construction, it is a very clever design. The 2m Bronze is a fantastic cartridge when paired with a tubed phono preamp. I also suspect it would pair nicely with the new ifi phono3, as despite being SS, it has a tubed flavoring. 


It is worthwhile considering the suggestions that digital might be the advantageous pursuit. My experiences of recent years has lifted all prejudices I had developed toward the use of CD from past experiences, there is a curiosity today to see how a streaming set up can compare. 

I can play a Vinyl LP and CD of the same recording in conjunction, and when switching channels detect immediately a change to the presentation, in some cases a slight volume adjustment is all that is required to create the impression of a very close similarity between the two.

If the selected source is allowed to play on for a short period, there is no desire to return to the other source, either have the capability to be attractive and desirable to be engaging with.  

From previous posts made by yourself, I gather your curiosity is the reverse of mine and the Digital is well established, and the Vinyl LP is the new desirable source to be pursued.

If the idea of being Wed to a Vinyl LP Replay is the unavoidable aspiration. 

Out of the Nine Brands made known and not made Models, that are available from the Local Dealership Network, how many have been demonstrated to yourself?

Out of the models that could be demonstrated, are there Models with quite obvious design differences such as Motor Drive, the overall Construction and the Materials selected for the assembly of the Platter Spindle Bearing and Housing?

Out of the models that could be demonstrated, are there Models with a Platter Spindle Bearing design, that have become recognised for their design and the value on offer of the method that is being employed on the model of TT?  ( The design for the bearing is one that is often overlooked by a buyer and is an area within the entirety of the construction of the TT that can impact on the performance, in certain cases the impact can be noticeably detracting). 

Out of the models that could be demonstrated, are there Models with a modern approach to the Construction of the Platter, such as a composite of materials in place of using a machined/cast metal only? 

Out of the models that could be demonstrated, are there models mounted in Plinths with a design that is using materials that are very well thought out and can damp and dissipate transferred energies more effectively and efficiently than other materials?   (There is quite a bit of research carried out about the properties of materials, even the most attractive and used regularly by the producers are not able to produce measured performances that would be considered attractive as a Plinth Material.  This is why some are producing composites, as the variety of materials properties are combined in the hope the sum of the parts will surpass the singular part as a material, again there is research that shows the measured properties of composites).

I am sure that within the Market Place a 5K Budget will be enough to be able to discover TT's with very well thought out designs.

It has already been suggested by yourself the Budget and Brands/Models, might be subject to change. Maybe a used model from a Dealer, such as Ex Demo or Trade In might also get an extended option onto the list within Budget.

It is important to get out and listen to a few TT's with different design intent for their production, discovering the realness of what is on offer, will only be discovered when creating experiences of the devices, any other methods where a demonstration is not participated in as a experience, will be a method relying on the fantasy and conjuring up a attraction, prior to spending on a purchase,

My experiences and choices made are underpinned with the receiving demonstrations as the method used as the minimum, it offers a confidence that the preparations prior to a purchase have been adequately considered and acted upon.

Worse case scenario if you stick close to 5K, the added time to make an allowance for receiving demonstrations, prior to purchasing can be a few months+. The added costs incurred to create opportunities to experience Brands and their Models of TT's might add $500 to the budget, especially if a accommodation is needed for a over night stay.

Drawing on my own assessment of my attempts to receive demonstrations of devices and encounter new experiences, the additional costs are negligible, as over the multiple years of receiving demonstrations, the learning acquired from the experiences encountered and the continued welcome to share with individuals much more educated and adept than myself, has been monies very well spent on the method used to acquire knowledge and education.


Get the TOTL $5K Technics and save the cost of a separate arm. It has an excellent arm with a titanium arm tube. Add a Hana SL mc cartridge ($750) and you're good to go!

In that price range I would suggest the Kuzma Stabi S is unbeatable. I am very surprised that no one has yet mentioned this gem of a turntable.

Kuzma Stabi Model TT's are the ones I have been quite impressed by for a period of time.

There is a openness from the manufacturer about the adopted methods for the production, and within this disclosure there is undoubtedly a use of modern design, modern materials in combination with the technology utilised by the Company.

The Bearing Housings also look to be a cutting edge design and are definitely using materials of the type that I have been adopting to be used in modernisation methods.

I am tempted to thoroughly investigate this Companies Models and receive a demonstration when the time is right.