Audiophile Grade Wall Receptacle

Moving homes.  Any recommendation for quality wall receptacle?   Pangea?  Audioquest?





If you have some fancy (read: expensive) power conditioner, spending even more money on outlets is pretty silly. If you don't or have an inexpensive power conditioner, it's still silly to think an outlet will change the sound of your system.

I have dedicated lines with PS Audio and Furutech wall receptacles. My advice to you is just buy hospital grade. But some hospital grade are better than others. Do a little research. Solid brass contacts etc.. Price will also indicate the good stuff from the great stuff.


Hospital grade is as good as it get’s.  But wait audio market crap has to be better than outlets supplying electrical to life-support systems etc. ya think ?? It’s the same thinking that puts paste’s, pads, Magic stones, in our MRI machines. Whatever the market will bear, wake up folks !

Just get a standard one and save your $$$s.  It will make no difference to the sound.  Juice is juice.

And ask the hospitals why they spend money on upgrades - here in UK that's taxpayers' money.

In 70+ years of living I have never had a 'wall receptacle' fail in UK, although the design and construction in US and France leave something do be desired because of their 110 volt systems (France went to 220v a long time ago, but kept the same Mickey Mouse kit).

+100 on the Oyaide R1

It is the top of the range Oyaide.

Top Furutech is nearly double the price and Quantum Science Audio sells $6.5k sockets.