Step up from AT150MLX on Technics 1200


I have been enjoying my AT 150MLX for about 18 months now with a Jolida JD9 and Technics 1200 table.

However, the upgrade bug is biting and I would appreciate any advice on some choices to consider for an upgraded cartridge.

There is nothing wrong with the AT150, I just wonder what I might be missing. I have been reading about Nagaoka MP500 and Ortofon 2M Black but do not know that these would be that much better for like twice the price of the AT150.

I have class D amplification and Maggie 3.6's so a cartridge with a little bit more warmth and bass would seem to make sense due to the leaness of the SS and Maggies.

Has anyone else made a change from the AT150 and got to something that they like better? And why!?

If you are generally satisfied with the AT150MLX, you might want to consider an AT 33EV with a suitable step up device. For an AT, it's a bit warm.
My two cents...I had an AT 440 and it was too bright in my rig so a Sumiko Pearl was's a GREAT sounding thing in my system and an inexpensive solution. Best 125 bucks I've ever spent on anything hifi.
I have the 2M black and an AT440mla and what I highly recommend is to buy a vintage Shure V15 IV from Wittsolutions (eBay reseller) and then a new stylus for that cart from Ed Saunders. I guarantee you will thank me for this amazing combo. Should run you no more than $500 for both. This was one of the finest cartridges EVER made.
Hi All,

Thanks for the good ideas!

I have upgraded the Op amps and capacitors in the JD9 so I am kind of reluctant to part wth it but maybe I should think about it.

I still have a Shure V15 Type 4 that I used on a Luxman PD 272 (still have the table). I think that I wore the cartridge out - there are scuff marks on the bottom of it - or it was not set up very well in the first place?

Does anyone know how to tell when a cartridge is bad and installing a new stylus would be a waste of money?