HDCD compatible?

What does this term mean? I'm looking at a cd player which is described as HDCD compatible with onboard HDCD decoders. Does this mean that it will play HDCD discs in HDCD or just play them in redbook like players that only play the redbook layer of the sacd hybrids?
I happen to like HDCD and think it a big upgrade to standard redbook. Certainly I have bought new releases that still have HDCD. It's my impression that although HDCD discs are being produced, fewer players seem to contain the Pacific HDCD chip these days, which is a shame.
David, you are very right on all points. There are a few high quality units available, particularly from Mark Levinson (who BTW make their own HDCD decoding chips with permission). Then there's Wadia DACs and players which don't specifically decode the extra info, but unlike most, don't throw it away -- instead incorporating the additional data into their software decoding process. And HDCDs do sound terrific through a Wadia 27. I know, I have one ;--)
I agree it is a shame more mfg's don't support it and more labels don't produce the discs or at least make it known that they do.