SME Spindle Oil - Where To Buy

I recently moved to a new house and in the process some of the spindle oil drained out of my SME 20/2.

I thought I had some extra but I can't find it so I'm looking for a source.  I am also wondering if another brand of oil that is more readily available might work just as well?  

I'm pretty sure I can find it on overseas websites but I'd rather find it in the U.S.  I did ask Music Direct but they don't have it.

Thanks for your help.



From the SME Importer.   Acoustic Sounds told me the same thing.


Thank you for your continuing interest in SME.

SME has made a policy that they sell parts directly to consumers. You can order directly from SME by calling their office at 011-44-1903-814-321.

Jay Rein, Bluebird Music Limited

SME has made a policy that they sell parts directly to consumers. You can order directly from SME by calling their office at 011-44-1903-814-321.

It's this that I would never consider a SME table