Need DAC comparable to OPPO BDP-83SE, or better, small size, USB OK, SPDIF coax...

Remodeling our RV so I can fit, after rebuilding to new shape woofer section of Edgarhorn Slimlines. Bringing my old system out of storage after many years, highly upgraded Baby Sophia tube amp. High powered big subwoofer system design underway as well. Oppo just to big to use it so need to work out a mini computer with BD player for our limited collection and will be using Qobuz for most all music. Looking into an PRi or mini computer and slim external BD player. I need some sort of switcher as well as have the TV swivel down from ceiling and a Martin Logan Vision X sound bar above it for more casual listening. CHEAP but great, I know not impossible to find but needs to match up well with the Baby Sophia and upgraded Slimlines. Thanks, Rick (Wife and doggy waiting for me, I will refine this post when I return:)

I do not need or want anything wireless, all wired connections as not having wifi in the RV since fully shielding it against outside RF. On occasion will turn on the Wifi but not for long so that makes using the Tab a bit complicated unless using the audio out but want to use the USB-C

Adioquest dragonfly dac is the size of a thumb drive and gets very good reviews.  

Thanks, I was taking a good look at that exact DAC then I looked at the need for something with more inputs and outputs but best I found was one with more inputs and just one set of outputs but I can work around that. I just bought a used Topping E30 after reading many reviews on many DACs. Once I get it I can compare it to the OPPO player and the DAC in the Vision X sound bar. Hopefully I will just use the Vision X internal DAC and the E30 on the mini computer(or sff computer).

I got the BD drive on my high end laptop to finally work late last night, then looking for external case and cable to use it with the HTPC in a mini computer but so far it does not look good if I want to record and disks as backup storage for any media we have and may buy in the future. I might have to buy a new drive but they are only $100 for a decent one. It has to be a newer mini computer to have 4k 60hz as well. I can get a bit older and bigger than I want at 11x11x3 sff computer, upgrade the video card, put the BD into the DVD slot, use the E30, done:)

 I found a site last night with the proper edit needed to get Windows 10 to see the BD drive in the laptop and it worked, CD, DVD and BD. The laptop has a good video card option I ordered when it was custom built but they did not tie it to the upgraded GPU, it uses the CPU graphics instead. Not a problem as I want to keep the HTPC separate from the laptop anyway.

 I have been looking into all angles I can think of, long before posting here, found answers or at least a road to travel last night but certainly still open to suggestions and advice!

Thanks again,


Yes, sadly though, I love it but have no place to use it, I need to post a picture of our design plans. The only place I was able to fit it in was high above a window, higher that I had it before, would need a step stool to change disks. 

 I received a used Topping e30 yesterday and did some comparisons, the Topping is quite nice for the price, I wanted to hear the AK4493 DAC chip as I have read it is very smooth yet clear and I agree but the 83SE still sounds smoother to me which I like. I am looking into upgrading the op amps and caps in the e30 to see what happens then decide it want to try something else.

 Again, yes, going to sell it, I guess I should list it here soon, just wanted one final listen yesterday once I received the e30.
