Selling gear with TMR

I’m at the point of wanting to sell some gear and am seeking any experiences of selling with The Music Room. Did it make things easier? Did you get what you thought was a reasonable offer? Other benefits or detriments you might share?


Easy to work with, they take on ALL the hassle. Ultimately you need to decide what that is worth, realizing fees, shipping costs, headache factor etc etc. You can also consign through TMR as well. I’ve done both, super easy and overall have done ok.

I've consigned items with them and some items I was surprised how much I got and others a bit disappointed.  You can get more doing it yourself on USAudiomart  since they have no fees.  I have used TMR because they are easy to work with and take the hassle of dealing with byers out of it.  

I’ve sold gear to them.  Very easy to deal with, though if you’re expecting top dollar that won’t happen.  As geof3 mentioned it’s hassle free for you.

As others mentioned you are not going to get the top dollar but you are getting hassle free experience and a quick quote. As an example: I tried to sell one year old PS Audio integrated with 3k MSRP. TMR offer was 1400 cash or 1500 against used product or 1800 against a new product from TMR. The integrated sells between at around 2k on Audiogon and Audiomart.