A CD PLAYER whose sound quality NOT AFFECTED by the DAC?

Is there such an animal? I mean… why buy high quality and then have to thread it into my Bluesound Node DAC?


One person's experience regarding your question:  I recently swapped my system CD player from a Jolida to a Classe Audio CDP-102 CD Player.  The difference was of an order of magnitude.  Imaging was improved greatly.  The clarity and realism of the instruments was much greater.  I had recently installed a pair of Magnepan MG3r speakers replacing a very old and tired pair oa Maggy Tympany 1Ds which I had since new in 1975. Add a newly rebuild Nelson Pass Threshold 400 amp and a new preamp (CJ Premier) I was still not happy with the sound of the CDs.  I stream hi res via Bluos Node and the stream was better than the CDs.  Once I installed the Classe player, voila!  I had the sound I had hoped for from my CDs.  So my point is in answer to your question, I believe the Classe player to be significantly better in all its works than the Jolida (which is not a crappy unity).  My experience bore this out.

BTW, the stream of Hi-res Quobuz, Idagio and Tidal via my Bluos Node is superb. It is one of three sound sources:  CDs, Vinyl and Bluos stream.  It gives up nothing to the vinyl or CDs.

The Node2’s streamer is good and the interface is decent. When I went from the internal DAC to an MDHT Orchid (utilizes an output tube) improvements were across the board. The Node2’s DAC I characterize as a bit dull. It’s just ok 

Thanks. Yep. Streaming with Bluesound Node is so good, (and I have a Preset Remote), which is a quick grab, makes streaming like having a juke box! Bam! Got mostly 60’s stations and clarity from Australian and German stations is free and clear! 
   I had 150 WPC Nelson Pass Nakamichi amp, and returned it, to settle for 145 WPC Marantz. I’m fine into my Klipsch new 600 smaller speakers, ( selling  my Fortes)… with the SVS micro 3000 Sub…. WOW! The Nakamichi had more jump, but the Marantz capability of Balanced output Silver cables  to (RCA IN) the Node… supreme clarity now and soundstage on pedestal stands… so much music in the music now. 

Why even use a separate streamer? Get, like I did, a Sony Universal WiFi player and access streaming services via a smartphone. I then added a DAC, even though the Sony's DAC sounds excellent!
