Every day I see another turntable recommendation...

After digging into this topic, I am convinced now I need to go a bit higher on this first vinyl set up. I think all in, I am prepared at this point to go up to $5k, for the table alone, not including arm or cartridge.

But frankly, being on this forum is like drinking from an information firehose. I have learned a bunch and yet somehow, I am less convicted than before.

With that in mind, to narrow down the decision, I am want to restrict myself to things I can buy, hear and, if necessary, service locally. My local dealers stock, AMG, AVM, Basis, Clearaudio, Michell, Musichall, Pro-ject, Rega, VPI, so I am likely restricted to those brands. I am certain my view will change by the end of this thread.


@pjrebordao Thank You for the link.

As a very long time Idler Drive user who ultimately went for a modern design concept for the drive method and acquired a PTP Solid Nine.

I have also spent my time listening to other iterations of the methods adopted to be used with the Idler Drive System and observed many more iterations used for the Idler Drive TT. 

With the above in mind, the knowledge that the Idler Drive has been seen as a viable product in todays TT Market and a New Model is now available, is very good news for a individual keen to continue with the drive mechanism, the one in the link could be proven to be a uber modern concept for the Idler Drive mechanism.

I am looking forward to encountering this design and thoroughly getting to grips with the impression it can create.  

You can stop chasing your tail saulh

"$4500 bucks all in"!!!, Oracle Delphi mkII, SME V5 arm, Dynavector H.O-MC cartridge (can be critiqued 2-5 yrs up the road), plug in good to go.

Use your savings for a HQ tube powered pre-amp.

Audion Silver Night Line & MM Phono Stage Pre-Amp

Or you can go with the highly reputed Atma-Sphere MP-1 or Atma-Sphere MP-3

There isn't any real need to limit a choice for a Tonearm to one Brand or to go to the expense of the SME Series V.

To get a demonstration of the V might be a little more difficult than other Brands, as Cadence the new owners of SME, enforced the changes in marketing, with the  recent changes enforced affecting how the Arms can be purchased. SME has stopped singular Tonearm items being available. The only method to acquire a New Model today is with a SME TT, leaving the singular item purchase as most likely  being a used item.

There are other models that I am aware you are considering and are worthwhile trying to experience through demonstration, prior to making any decision for the Tonearm that is to be selected.



You have garnered some wide-ranging advice and suggestions.  I would offer some input from George Merrill that you can read from some of his "papers" on his web site & links listed below.  He is an analog devote & engineer.  If you are so inclined to contact him with concerns or questions, he will address them without trying to sell you anything.  

Analog Emporium & GEM Dandy Products: GEM Dandy Products (hifigem.com)

Turntable Design 1: Turntable Design 1 (hifigem.com)

Turntable Design 2: Turntable Design 2 (hifigem.com)

Torque Recoil: Torque Recoil (hifigem.com)

Enjoy the hunt & good luck

My current analog system is modest by comparison to many on this site. What has been humbling and enlightening is that although I've doubled the spend and the sound quality has indeed improved, it's still hasn't eclipsed what I was hearing in my old room (in my last home). 

Could it be that the OP's analog reference was experienced in a better room? 

Although my 10" Tannoy Turnberrys make better bass and overall tonality than my old Salk Songtowers did in my current room. They were not as good as the same Songtowers in my old room. The bass was deeper and the tonality was better. 

I was using cheaper elliptical MM carts on my Technics 1200G back then and felt like I was getting more detail than my AT33PTGII now.

The benefits of a good room are all over the spectrum. Better imaging, clarity, resolution...yadda...yadda yadda...


Better equipment helps but we listen to it 'through' a room. A room that will muddy or smear or boost or even filter out frequencies.