Tubes becoming hard to get?

An article in today’s WSJ talks about tubes for both guitar amps and stereo gear becoming scarce due to Far East and Ukraine/Russian tensions saying most tubes originate from China, Slovakia, & Russia.  As such, people are beginning to Hoard and retailers are beginning to limit purchases. 



Preamp tubes pretty much last forever.  Power amp tubes not at all.  If your power amp tubes are dying and you don't want to spend excessive prices for new tubes, consider putting the tube amp aside and getting a good solid state power amp until tube prices come back down.

I very much favor the vintage 200 wpc Sumo Andromeda amps, which typically run about $900 on the used market.

To summarize:

  • The main supply issue facing audiophiles is for power tubes - especially the big types for which there is no NOS / vintage alternative in quantity. The situation is especially dire for amps designed around KT120 and up (especially 150, 170).
  • The Russian New Sensor factory still running, and can still ship tubes to USA but it's going to be much more costly and possibly via an indirect route (i.e. another country).
  • If you want to get a preview of what tube prices are likely to be going forward, go to the Electro Harmonix / New Sensor online store. Listed prices are between 2x and 3x more expensive than they were just a couple months ago. For example, KT120 were ~ $50, and now they're listed at $150. Even the tube resellers accused of "gouging" in the past month were selling well BELOW these new prices. 
  • Upscale Audio has inventory, but they've halted tube sales as of yesterday (April 14). Other sellers seem to be just about out of the more desirable KT types.
  • The big Chinese Shuguang factory was shut down a couple years ago. No word on a replacement factory. No indication China will be able to provide power tubes in scale like they used to, for a long time. JJ itself is way backordered, and many of us would not use JJ power tubes in our amps anyways (bad experiences) - especially JJ tubes from a stressed factory. 
  • We had a wonderful several (or so) years where New Sensor was producing great quality tubes at cheap prices. I'm grateful for those times. It might not be coming back. 

Simple - solid state is the way to go. No hassle, heat, turning on and off, worrying about tubes replacement, lots of power, etc.....You can get just as good SQ - it's not a technology issue, it is a design issue. If the SS design is good, it will sound just as good as a tube amp. They can last decades if treated right.

Someone should design an IC that can fit inside a tube enclosure, maybe with an LED to give off some faint orange light, including a power transistor - the whole nine yards.  It won't soft clip in an audio amplifier but down the road I think we'll need such a device.  You might be able to program it with rfid to emulate any tube at all with an equivalent pinout.  Then tube-amp owners would just to stock one or two of these devices per socket :-)