Do power supply units/cables make a difference in sound quality?

My system is plugged in via a heavy duty power strip into a wall socket.  (Horrors!). I have read many posts from folks who have invested $$$ in power supply units and cables.  Before I take a deep dive into that, I'd like to hear from folks pro or con on this subject.  My system consists of Magneplanar MG3rs, Nelson Pass Threshold 400 amp, Conrad Johnson recent premier preamp, Oracle TT with Koetsu Black, Bluos Node streamer, Classe Audio CDP-102 CD Player.  I am quite happy with the sound from all sources.  So am I in for another four figure expense with power supply?  I appreciate the experience of this forum's members.



Aggree 100%, how many times does this total BS and nonsense have to come up. Engineering and science aside, A/B placebo affect sucking people in, stupidity denial spending more money on wires than equipment. Makes me think of a comic sketch of a group of challenged Christmas carollers belting out do you hear what I hear….Who care’s ? Most don’t believe in magic beans, a flat earth, or life after death again….Who care’s ? If you can’t prove it but hear it..enjoy it. Ya have to ya paid for it, don’t want that used market beating.


I live in Europe, we have 230V outlets. I’m sorry for all you guys on 110V that you only have half the sound.

We've been through all this dozens of times in the last year.

Clearthinker has his head screwed on properly.

I'm not with the dreamers who think they can hear differences in passive well designed mains cable and even fuses but they will never agree with me nor submit to blind tests so it can be proved they are not simply experiencing confirmation bias.  Until they do, this will run and run, wasting everyone's time.  They should shut up.

But system interconnects can make small differences and active conditioners can certainly clean away unwanted noise on the line if your power supply suffers from that.

i think you're lying))) - you have good components and you probably use good cables...

A good cable is better than a bad one

Seriously?  Did the OP bother to search previous threads before resurrecting this old horse of a topic?