Please Recommend Highly Efficient Floor Standing Non-Horn Speaker Suggestions

Apologize if this is redundant but the threads here all seem to recommend horn speakers for tube amps.


An audiophile friend just bought a pair and is raving about them, unbelievable bass, extended highs, super efficient need only 2-3 watts to drive them. A couple of caveats though; packaging from manufacturer is not sufficient and speakers being heavy need better packaging/cardboard, etc., cabinets do not exhibit the best craftmanship as they have some flaws in the cabinetry.

Good to know the SQ is at an audiophile level. I have a collection of flea powered amps and am interested in high efficient, > 97db 1w @1m speakers which also have stability with respect to impedance. At their price point one might accept a cabinet flaw. Poor packaging is a different issue.

A friend has some older Lii Audio Crystal single driver speakers from Decware with a Riviera Audio Labs Levante Hybrid Integrated amp, one of very best amps we heard at any price and we both love these speakers a lot. They are one of the best speakers I've heard at any price. I like them better than Cube Audio they have deeper bottom end and better total balance and are more musical engaging. This guy likes them better than Cube Audio too. Lii Audio and Riviera Audio Labs could be my end game system. 

Thank you for the video links. I have pair of the Decware HDT speakers. I have ordered a pair of the Lii silver 8’s and will put them into the HDT’S. An inexpensive approach to try out the Lii drivers.