Jelco sa 750e


I have a Lencol75 that’s mounted in a corian plinth so the Jelco is drilled thru with no arm board.

spindle to pivot is 240mm

does anyone know a better tone arm that would have that 240mm so I could mount it in the same location?

that seems to be my only option.

Thanks for you info and time.

So I pulled the Jelco today, the hole size is 31.75 mm that’s for 240mm spindle to pivot.


the arm I’m wanting is 222mm spindle to pivot


since the base of tonearm is attached by screws


does the hole size matter?

I would send an email to Steven Huang at Audio Sensibility, he knows about everything there is to know about Jelco’s.

So I think I’ve been looking at this the wrong way can someone tell me is there any reason I can’t drill this hole out and just put a armboard over it? That way I can use any arm