Who Is An Expert On Acutex Cartridges?

I am curious. What happened to the company? Did the 320 III LPM or the 320 III STR come first? I also know of a 420 STR. Where are they now?

Max, if you are asking me about low riding, mine never was and is not a low rider.  What I said was that I had inadvertently adjusted VTA such that it was "higher in back" or tipped up with respect to the pivot.  Leveling it did improve the bass impact.  I will try going down to 1.0 g from 1.2g VTF to see if that is better.

No, I was referring to my own sample, which I remember having a somewhat collapsed suspension but which seems fine now. Suspension hardening in the right direction??

As for the Acutex, after 20 or so hours, timbre is richer, tho I haven't noticed a fuller soundstage yet. Maybe I should try it on the heavy Sperling arm, a soundstage champ. If the new Kuzma Sapphire at 60g effective mass is supposed to work w/most MCs, the Sperling at maybe 30g might be OK w/a high compliance MM. Anybody know the compliance of the 320?

Re-adjusted VTF on my MMC20CL, to 1.0g. That makes a much bigger difference than I expected. This is a really terrific cartridge. (I am understating my impression.) Better than the MMC1? Don’t know yet, and maybe I will never know since I knocked the cantilever clean off my MMC1. It’s currently at SS to have its cantilever and stylus replaced (sapphire/ruby + OCL tip). However it sounds when I get it back, it will no longer bear its OEM cantilever and stylus.


Regards maxson:


Compliance for the LPM 320STR is given at 42 x 10-6 cm./dyne at 100 Hz. Suggested tracking from 0.8 to (IIRC) 1.7 VTF. You might take the lower figure with "a grain of salt", maybe several. Considering the eff. mass of your tonearms, you might want to experiment with downforce. 


Hidden somewhere on the TTNeedles site is a complete brochure describing the LPM 3xx carts. There is a 25 page Acutex thread at Lenco Heaven, the Infinity Black Widow (4gm eff. mass for the original Al. arm tube, 3gm for the later carbon fiber arm) is frequently mentioned as complimenting these cartridges. Using a Technics EPA 250 wand (12gm eff. mass) mistracking with the LPM 320 is controlled at 1.5gm VTF.


More information is offered at Adelcom.net, links to both:







FWIW, I used 1.6g for my LPM320 mounted in the headshell adapter, in my DV505. I didn’t experiment much with VTF because it sounded so good at 1.6. Some other setting might even be better. I’m also using 1.6 with the LPM mounted in the Saturn V.