The heavyweight slugfest between music lovers and audiophiles! lol
You might be an audiophile if... know "Keith Don't Go" but you don't know who Keith is.
There's a spectrum most of us are on, in differing ratios...from pure music lover (doesn't particularly care what they're listening on, but cares a lot about the music, and maybe plays an instrument)... to pure gear audiophile (who loves gear, has no discernible musical taste besides finding pieces that demonstrate the awesomeness of their gear, and maybe knows electronics, maybe not).
I am definitely on the music lover side of the 50 yard line on the spectrum. The audiophile gear hobby is a significant part of my life too but music is the bigger concern. I'll overpay for the right record, and I bargain hunt like a miser while gear shopping.
My system is high end sonically, but it's meant to facilitate the emotions I feel from the music. So on the spectrum, I'm probably 60/40, music lover/audiophile.
You can take away my system and leave me with a Bluetooth speaker but you can't take away my music.