What should I expect after installing a new power management system?

Trying to decide between Shunyata, synergistic, transparent, Niagara from audio quest. They cost between 5000 and $8000. What can I expect when I plug my various components into this pricey box.?  Plan on also getting several higher end power cables. I thought about buying a regenerator but didn't feel this was a good thing

I have heard many things about noise floor and current clean up and a new one, improved transients.

Anyone buy a new power system lately?


Thanks Deluded, that’s probably the measurement I was looking for (full power frequency response). 

Ill check out that test on Audio Science.

I have not used any power conditioners since I do not think the power to my outlets is particularly dirty or noisy. But I believe the free flow of electricity improves the sound quality of audio equipment.

Since I am not worried about 'noisy' electricity, for me 'clean' power means unrestricted power. The simpler the better so nothing interferes with the 'flow' of electricity. But if I lived in an area with regular thunder storms or power surges I would use a surge protector nonetheless.

I don't know what the equipment the OP is considering promises to do. I would question/diagnose whether anything is needed beyond facilitating for the free 'flow' of electricity from the wires in your wall to the power jacks on your components. 

In my desire to optimize the sound of my system I have added audio grade power cords, power strip/boxes and wall outlets. In the interest of electrical hygiene I plug noisy SMPS's (i.e modem, router, etc) plug into a basic power strip fed from a regular 14 ga extension cord going to a different outlet than my audio equipment. In my biased experience mo-better-cleaner power contributes to a reduction in noise floor and an increase in clarity, transients, soundstage, impact, and base.

When an aftermarket power cable improved the sound quality of my Bluesound Node streaming to external DAC I just about threw my hands up. I don't fully understand it, but I believe it, and I like it. 

@fundsgon , there are 2 threads, and a video. You will need to read both threads (first post) to get the full story.

 I mostly eschew tweaks and like so many find snake oil afoot.  However, when it works it works and in a very deliberate non-argumentative way.

When I installed a Decware ZLC conditioner, the POSITIVE effect was immediate; blacker background, greater separation of instruments and vocals.  It is a subtraction device.  Subtracting whatever seemed not there, but clearly was.

I sent one to a friend and he confirmed same findings, the effects as dramatic for him.  We laughed at the craziness of electricity and the hobby.


I don’t think some posters realise the benefits of power conditioners. Amps should not be plugged into the majority of power conditioners, they will limit current. Low-current-draw components can experience vast improvements in SQ mainly by filtering RFI/EMI, and reducing the noise-floor. Many are capable of isolating noise produced by digital devices so that it doesn’t contaminate the mains.

There are some conditioners that claim to accept amplifiers without limiting current such as PS Audio’s regenerators. I have no experience with these but my balanced power conditioner has increased the performance and enjoyment of listening to music.