CD vs CD/SACD Player – Tube-based or Not

Some of you might have read my previous threads asking for recommendations on CD/SACD player. That was roughly 6 months ago when I first started building my hi-fi system.
Now that I’ve settled on the back end of my system, I’ll finally select my digital source. My system consists of the following:

Harbeth C7-es3 on Sound Anchor (3-posts) speaker stands

Pass Labs XA30.5 – Power amp

Ayre K-1xe - Pre-amp

CD player – a modest 15-year old Philips CD player(the weakest link which I need to upgrade)

I want to get a CD or CD/SACD player that matches my system in terms of synergies, quality and performance. While I’ve done a lot of readings/research, it’s hard to narrow down on my selections before some fundamental questions are answered.

1. CD player vs CD/SACD player: my preference for music are vocal, some pop, classical (symphony, chamber), some rock, blue. I know the selection of musice in SACD is somehow limited.

2. Tube-based vs Solid State CD player: would my system benefit from tube-based CD player since both my pre- and power-amps are solid state? What’s the advantage and disadvantage of tube-based player? What’s the difference in sound?

3. So many choice in my price range (mostly used):

Ayon CD-5, CD-2s

Ayre C-7eMP, Ayre C-5eMP

Audio Research CD-7

BAK 51

Esoteric SA-50, X-05, X 03se, K-07

Luxman D06
SONY 5400ES, Sony 5400ES modified by Modwright (with tube output),

Oppo 95/105 modified by Modwright (with tube output)

4. I want to get a player with solid transport, digital output, balanced output(preferred); dynamic/solid bass, extended treble and most importantly fuller mid-range with great, accurate, lush presentation for vocal recordings.

What’re your recommendations and why? Thanks.
Can't help you specifically but a few thoughts on your quest. You mention a digital out but no mention of digital in?? Even if you have no plans for digital streaming/computer audio, a digital in is a must for resale or even better, you change your mind and decide to connect your stereo to the whole world of music (I mean that literally).

A few other thoughts: Oppo's resale values are right up there with McIntosh. I haven't heard em in my system but sure would like to give the Esoteric's k series a test drive (of the one's you listed).
Ok, here's how I handled this solution: I have an Oppo 103 for SACD/DVD-A. It replaced a Denon. The sound is very nice but not a huge increase over a 7 year old Denon. For 2 channel, I use digital out to an external DAC-this is much better than 2 channel out of the Oppo. Or, I will stream from my PC to the DAC. 1 transport, 2 completely different sounds.
If I want tubes in the system I switch amps...
The oppo's that are not modified hold their value very well. The modified versions depreciate alot and are harder to sell.
I would suggest you listen to the Auralic Vega DAC. I just bought one from Audio Doctor and we compared it with the Meitner MA-1. They were very close to my ears and the Vega was half the price.
I would pick one of the ModWright such as the Sony. Here is the website.
