Let’s simplify negative feedback = taking something ( the AC audio signal aka music ) that has ALREADY happened, flip it around out of phase ( that’s the negative part ) and feed it back into the input where something new and unequal is happening ( unless you think sine ways are music )… then apply some critical thinking….
I feel like Pavlov’s dog waiting for the bell to ring…
(like expecting every impulse transient will have a ringing exponential decay like a Cadillac with no shock absorbers going down the road.)
A better approach these days might be to estimate what the error is going be a priori and just apply that as (or along-with) the input. So more of a feed-forward approach, or pre-emphasis in control theory I think?
Then there is no feedback, and the input is driven towards a lower error. But that sort of begs a fully digital system IME.
i have not been keeping with amp design, other than the Bruno work, which Ralph mentioned. So maybe a lot of stuff is happening I am unaware of?