In fact this proves my point further about the mcintosh being stable into lower loadsI never said they are unstable, most amps with output transformers tube or transistor are inherently stable, just won’t deliver the big current needed into the broad area of difficult bass loading that the Sasha X have.
A 100-150w Gryphon or John Curl JC1’s will do it far better than a transformer coupled Mac into the Sasha X.
However my point still also stands, the Ravel’s would be a far better speaker load if spearl8 wants to keep the Mac
And this comment of the OP’s proves those points made by Stereophile and myself.
spearl8 Also, with the Wilson I had to keep my eye on the volume control. It seemed to run out of gas earlier than the Revel. It may have been the Mcintosh gear but the bass was better controlled on the revels.
Cheers George