Inexpensive Good Vintage Turntables?

I'm considering buying a turntable again. I've been without one for going on 10 years. This time around, could you recommend some really good inexpensive models (prefer belt but DD OK, too). And carts (preferably modern) that will work with them? And who are good online sellers of restored models? I know very little about vintage turntables ...


I own the combination that @jasonbourne52 recommended - Pioneer PLX1000 and an Audio Technica AT740ML. It's DD and new (not vintage). However, it looks very similar to the classic Technics SL1200 and its pretty inexpensive, when compared to other quality TTs. I think the combination sounds great, especially for the $1000 all-in price. I like that it comes with a non-hinged dust cover. No fuss, no broken hinges or stress on the dust cover. I cannot recommend it more highly for a setup in the $1000 price range.

Believe it or not Vestax DJ decks with new tonearms are on a par with the Technics SL1200. they are dismissed due to the DJ Deck aesthetic (which i actually like). Brilliant bass. 

What country are you in?

@beartunes I might be interested… if you go through Bend you drop it off with a friend.

aholmz thank you for the Bend OR suggestion. I do have family and friends there. I'm sure you're aware those Sota's weight a ton. To do that much schelpping I would not be interested in a casual looker, nor would I leave it there out of my care.

Kind regards,

Here's a top view photo. It has been meticulously cared for.