Your experience:a cdp that gets best of lesser cds

I'm looking for a cd player that will get more out of the playback and sound of lesser quality recordings and/or poorly remastered cd's from the past (example: 70's soul/ 50's and 60's jazz remasters. By "more" I mean less thinness, leaness, in the sonics and more weight and lows, yet not rolled off or muted in the highs. In other words, a player that will dig deeper- do more with a lesser cd. I currently have an excellent player, the Modwright Sony 999ES, fully loaded, but synergy-wise it's not maximizing in my system. I'm looking for a used player in the $2500 -$3k area that will improve the sound quality on some of the lesser cd's I own. The one thing about this hobby that frustrates me no end is the synergy thing which can take away great performance from a quality piece of gear. My system: LSA/DK Signature int, Reimer Wind River GS, Modwright Sony,Acoutstic Zen cabling, Shunyata Hydra- various aftermarket PC's. Do you know of such a player?
I currently have some Raytheon 5687's that I'm using now with the Modwright. I've tried the stock Tung Sol's replaced them with the Raytheons then GE 7044's, then tried a second set of Tung Sol's given to me by Dan then back to the Raytheons's so I have tube rolled. Tvad, I also have the tube rectified power supply. You can't tell me that the synergy present between the front end and the rest of your system isn't going to affect the end product (sound) with all of your cd's, the well recorded and the poorly recorded. I'm looking for a player that will lend itself to my system and improve my collection, the poorly recorded and better recorded cd's. Some of you seem to be saying that this is not possible- but you're not taking into account the overall affects of synergy or the lack of it. IMHO a front end that synergizes better with the rest of your system will improve every aspect of your system's performance. So I feel there may be a player that can provide improved performance if it of all my cd's if works better with my system. (thanks for getting it Aball)
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Tvad, no doubt I will try the Sylanias and thanks for the encouragement on the 999ES. I really don't want to have to replace it. I'd be very happy for it to be my last player. I'm very tired of burning, churning, and losing money.
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Foster 9, why have just one CDP. You can get an inexpensive tube CDP, stuff it with different tubes until you get the tone you want, then play your bad CD's on it and use your good one for the reference stuff. :-)

Other than that, you can't have it all in one player. Tvad is right.