Do you build anything for your high fidelity system? If so, what do you make?

After some self assessment and introspection on my own high fidelity habits I discovered that I build or make things for my stereo/audio room. Some examples of these things are;

1 Tore out carpeting/padding/floor tiles in the addition to my house (audio room) and painted the cement floor with epoxy paint and clear coat. Placed out a Turkish area rug.

2 Made cherry wood speaker stands on wheels.

3 Had made custom speaker covers and stereo stand covers for when I am not listening to audio to keep away dust. Thanks to my seamstress....

4 Custom made Paduak wood cover (with legs) with two low speed exhaust fans for my tube amp

So curiosity got the best of me. Have you made anything for you stereo system or room? If so what did you make and why?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2x2psyop

Hello 2psyop!  I made passive "preamps," power amps & power supplies, speakers (from Linkwitz plans & others), passive crossovers, and speaker cables & interconnecting cables. Why? It's less expensive & more educational. It's also easier than you think. You can buy the output modules from PuriFi that NAD uses, build your own power supply and have fabulous performance for around $1200. Or you can buy the Starke AD4-320 for about the same price and save a lot of work. Shielded power cords are available from Parts Express for under $5!  You don't have to go broke to have great sound in your home. Electronic crossovers are available for under $100. Your speakers will sound better directly connected to the amps fed by the elect. xovers. Yes you do need more amps, but power amps are relatively cheap, especially if you build them yourself. Check out Atikita and EleKit.

Be brave, go DIY.

I'm a furniture guy, so mostly I've built consoles and speaker stands.  This is the latest version of the main room system, though the Mrs has taken to transitioning party games in there. 🤨 It was not built for separates so I guess it is also in transition...  Kicked out the home theatre set up and am enjoying 2 channel for that.  The speaker stands were house jacks I rescued from a dumpster, did a little adjusting and put a nice finish on them.

 I've been on a simplification kick, so trying to get the gear down to an absolute minimum.  Will go integrated next.  That will leave just the integrated, Node 2i and router.  Once that happens I can get the gear out of the corner and let that left speaker breathe better.   



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