Sub Pairing With Harbeth 40.3 XDs

Hello all - was wondering if anyone can recommend a sub pairing that is commensurate with my Harbeth 40.3 XDs ...? I love it loud. Looking for tight , punchy thump from the kick drum that sounds like arena PA ...🥳 

my system : 

Manley Snappers , Manley Jumbo Shrimp Pre


Some of these Subs like the REL S/812 seemed kinda Emminence $250 speaker in a shiny powered cabinet doesn’t seem worth $3200?




many would say mon 40’s do not need subwoofer bass support, but get a pair of rel’s if you must

Why would you need a sub with those Harbeths? They should sound good just as is...

needing a sub and wanting a sub are two separate camps…I initially tried it just for fun and found adding a sub to be a total game changer. 

Have you called Harbeth or visited a local retailer to listen?  I personally like REL because of their high level connection.  I makes sense because they act like woofers if dialed in right.


Exactly. I want the clarity the Harbeth’s bring ,however, also want the ability to emulate the feel of a live concert where the kick drum is focused and hitting you in the chest like Thor’s hammer.... 🎉


The question is do I need 2 or just 1 room is Medium large ,but open ended on one side , in the process of treating it as best I can...