Fear Inoculum in Vinyl

Anybody else enjoying the vinyl edition of this great album ? I thought the CD was well recorded but to my ears the vinyl edition is much better. My vinyl playback and digital system are very close in sound quality with different presentations. I could do without the extras that pushed up the price but having said that if you like Tool and play vinyl this album is a must listen.


Vinyl is still a very flawed playback medium.

Limited dynamic range compared to the compact disc.


@jackhifiguy you and Mike Fremer can duke it out as to your assertions. My money is on Mike. I have a halfway decent vinyl playback as well as digital and enjoy both mediums. The vinyl version simply sounds better to me.

I got it as a friend is a tool fan.
Sound pretty good on vinyl to me.

(Better than in his car on an iPod.)

A vinyl recording has the ability to have a wider frequency response than cd.