Weiss 501 DAC

With great caution, just set up my new Weiss 501 DAC.  Why pray tell with great caution? Because I'm running ATC 40 actives and did not wish to mistakenly cook them by incorrect hookup while using the unit as a DAC and single source preamp/volume control.

Far too soon for evaluation, but not too soon to observe and appreciate the incredibly small footprint of it all.  Naim Core server, Weiss 501, Decware power conditioner all sitting on Quadraspire Reference X stand, appropriate cabling, PCs and done.  Compact civilized aural pandemonium! 



Thanks @celtic66 !  I do sense a trend with your speaker selections.


What streaming app are you using with the Weiss?  I currently use the Lumin app to stream from my NAS.

While not as robust as Roon, it works and I don't really need all the features Roon offers.

Is there any way to deliver Spotify to the Weiss?  I know it does roon, which works for me most of the time.   It for Spotify, does one need a bluesound or some other (reasonably priced) streamer?


WEISS only supports UPnP, or your use roon core to see the 50x as roon ready device.

Therefore you can’t use Spotify or Tidal Connect. Tidal & Qobuz can be used through the mconnect (app I don’t like).

I use Lumin U2 mini (+ ferrum hypsos exteran PSU) to stream through RCA to the Weiss, or if you wanna really get the best out of the DAC, use some dedicated music server like Antipodes, Grimm Audio MU1 or Innous.

Personally I’d highly recommend your move to Tidal or Qobuz, as Spotify doesn’t come close to that streaming quality.


Best rgds