Ha ha ha ha ha....
He is just so "deluded"!
Frequencies of concern?
How about, "Field interactions"? All of those pesky stray particles from simply wave diffraction. Particle Scatter from wave beaming crosstalk? Crosstalk from inductive winding archetypes. "Especially" with the common symmetry wire topologies so prevalent today and for those for absolutely no good reason. And so many, many more variables for affectation!
Correct "Signal Propagation" with integrity is ALWAYS a concern. "If it is not? You may have chosen the wrong hobby.
No matter the length, cross section or material mix used. The source signals integrity at endpoint is going to vary from its original form. Everything affects this. And always in a negative manner differing from the original form. And of course, "Every length, of every, single, (wire, bar or plate), in, on or even near, any and all parts, pieces and systems"? It turns out that ALL of that, just happens to be actual, "attenuating devices"! YUP, working, "antenna's"! Because if it is conductive, it has a polarity. If it has a polarity, it is broadcasting. If it is broadcasting, it is also receiving- "Noise/Distortions/Resonance" and more! And since all geometrically definable, "space" is not only surrounded by, but also just "Chock Full" of energy "in an insane amount of mass per unit of area". And mass equals what??
And that of course |IS| at it's core just another vibration. Which causes an oscillation....
I'll stop now, since I am sure everyone here see's where I am going with this...But why?
Ok, so you forgot about a variable or two. "So What" you say?
Any (one) variable listed above can be made to cause a terminal fault in any system.
Now take them all. And account for them all in any given system. (As best you can). "This does not need to be perfect. Just your best work". In ANY given system.
Are you "Really" going to try to argue that there would not be any appreciable change in that systems functionality, if a full accounting and then following that a correction was applied?
That is all I am attempting to get you to see. But that should be enough!