"World's Best Cables" vs Audioquest interconnects

I've heard many great things about "World's Best Cables". At such low price, these alleged giant killers are a no brainer, so I ordered two pairs. When the shipment arrived, I connected one pair from my phono stage to my preamp, and another pair from my preamp to my power amp.

These cables replaced my trusty old Audioquest interconnects.

First listening impressions: extremely lean sound. Details etched in space, almost as if a strong laser beam is outlining them.

Santana I, side 1: almost unlistenable. The highs are piercing, the soundstage is flat, the splash cymbals sound like trash cans. Made my head hurt.

Switching back to my Audioquest cables: my god, what a relief! The sound is back to its good old sound of music. Everything sounds natural again.

Now, the "World's Best Cables" come with the users manual that claims that the cables need to be burned in for 175 hours. Should I give them the benefit of the doubt and suffer 175 hours, or is that just an audio myth about cables burn-in?



And no, cables do not need to be burned in. Save 100 hours of electricity or more!

There is nothing mechanical about a cable.

A new car requires burn in, a new amplifier, CD player,

Or DAC also does. But not cables. Cable temperature only rises while in use; so at room temperature they return to original factory temp - which is close to room temperature plus whatever the cable insulation jacket adds or subtracts. The process of cable burn in would have to be a structural change in the conductor that wasn’t already present when the speaker cables or interconnects were made. No magical fairy dust can cause this to happen...unless of course your cables oxidize after being exposed to too much air over a sustained period of time. I guess one could call that: cable burn out! :)

And there are companies who make cables and burn them in for you! 

Meaning it simply sits in the warehouse for a few extra days and in that time they can fulfill more orders, while delaying delivery of your cables.

All of what I'm telling you is not rocket science OP, but I speak the truth. The folks who disagree with me are clearly Harvard educated, advanced electrical engineers, and have IQs that surpass the folks at NASA. That's why they know so much lol


How insulting “ you don’t know much”.. There is no burn in for cable, that is crap !! And that thinking is…. Stupid. Sales BS and nothing more. If in doubt get a registered written guarantee of return then waste your time trying. Asking questions in earnest on any form is cool, listening to idiots isn’t cool. The infamous cable debate has been around forever it seems. Ask questions do research get guarantees listen and satisfy yourself. Enjoy the music.


To all, 

Actually read everything I wrote on this discussion without being skeptical.

Use your common sense. Use your brains.

And you will realize that I'm right.

Sounds like this thread has entered a time shift back to the 1970's...
