Legacy Audio AERIS: RMAF/listening impressions?

I made a trip to Legacy this past week to hear this speaker in a non-show environment which would also afford more time to listen and hear music that I took with me. I don't see alot in the way of RMAF postings here as yet and would like to hear people's impressions of this speaker as I thought it an amazing speaker with huge potential. I've started a section on my system thread for anyone that wants to add material or please put your thoughts and impressions here. Thanks!
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I've been listening to a ton of speakers lately as I'm selling off everything and moving up. It's going to take awhile as I have a few full systems to sell before I can go forward. I've heard all the famous names as well as a ton of the newer companies. I had never heard the Legacy line, but found there was a local dealer here in CT. I hear the last versions of the Heil air mover and it was way too hot for my ears. Part of it was the amplification, but I heard the Aeris with all Classe stuff and was pretty impressed. It did most things right. I have three sets of Proacs , but have been most impressed recently by Vandy Treo's on up. The 7's are the best I've ever heard and that includes the 100,000 plus exotics I've heard. I like the Vandy 5CT better, but they are 8k more. Not sure that matters in this range, but they are substantially more. I like the Quattro CT better also as they are more musical and coherent. I think part of it was that I heard the Vandy's with both CJ, AR and Ayre electronics. I'd love to hear the Legacy's with the Ayreor AR electronics.
I am still debating if its possible to use another Room correction device on the Woofer size to correct or use a Digital room Correction systen to avoid the ADA Process.
Ctsooner...if you are listening at AudioETC in Orange CT, I knew them well and bought some great Classe gear from them when I was living in central CT. They are a great shop; I am glad to hear they are still in business. What Classe gear was driving the Legacy's? For the FocusSEs without any correction (-2db high-end trim switch) or with the Aeris or Whisper without any contouring of the high-end with the processor, the Classe's very revealing high-end may have needed a bit of tweaking with those rooms and the new tweeters. Would like to know more....
They are in New Haven now. Great guys. They carry Hegel, but didn't have it in stock. It was the Aeris and top line Classe. It sounded really nice, but not in the Ayre Vandy league for my ears. Not even close when you listen carefully. I listened to the Vandy's for hours and never got tired. I liked the Legacy's, but hated last years HF driver unit. Hated it. Way too much energy on top. The new one sounds really nice, but I didn't feel it integrated perfectly with the bottom end. The Focus's were paired with Rotel separates and they were nasty. I couldn't listen as my ears were bleeding. I love NAD for that range I guess. Marantz too. HATED Rotel. I used to love it, but no more, wow. I've heard them on B&W's too and hated them. I heard the Diamond B7W there and they were ok. Nothing special, especially for the price. I think you can get way more for your money with a smooth top end and everything else a speaker should do. I think the Vandy Treo/quatro and 5's blow all the Legacy's out of the water for my ear. Ayre is the most tube like from the mid's up with controlled bass that I've heard in a solid state unit.

Liking those AQ cables too.