Legacy Audio AERIS: RMAF/listening impressions?

I made a trip to Legacy this past week to hear this speaker in a non-show environment which would also afford more time to listen and hear music that I took with me. I don't see alot in the way of RMAF postings here as yet and would like to hear people's impressions of this speaker as I thought it an amazing speaker with huge potential. I've started a section on my system thread for anyone that wants to add material or please put your thoughts and impressions here. Thanks!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xzephyr24069
Depends on Taste and music and also depends on the room. The Whisper are one of the best images you can get. The mid range is very revealing the new High frequency driver is smooth and clear. It really depends on amplifier and cables on how well the mids and tweeter are tamed. Tried it with silver cables and the midrange was too forward, too revealing to the point of getting headaches and the top end energy was too sharp. Changed it to Copper and it was so much more relaxing the changes are so easily noticed on the whisper its very sensitive to cable changes and upstream electronics.

Legacy recommends using a DSP processing to control the high frequency cut off points and delays. I tend to stay away from DSP to avoid the extra ADA process. I like it much better with out the DSP in my room which is heavily damped.
Thanks Dragon. Yes, my ears are sensitive to the high end. I like a relaxed natural sound. I have had proacs for years now, so staging and imaging are very important. When I heard the top line Vandy's, I got most of the staging and imaging, but it was much more musical. I just wanted to sit down and keep listening. Now that I have Ayre on my Proac Supertowers, I'm loving them. It's like a new speaker. I still want the Vandy's, but it really is amazing at how every change can make a huge difference.
Is there a driver on the bottom of the AERIS? Why is there a grill on the back (or am I mistaken)?
Dont' think there's a driver on the bottom. The grill is on the side as it's an open design. Kind of like Dalquest and Vandersteen. It's a great speaker. I'd love to hear them vs the Vandy Quatro carbon that are about 6k less I think. I have heard both a fair amount but with different electronics in different rooms. I have loved the Vandy's with all Ayre gear. I heard the AERIS with Classe as I stated above. They have a similar sound, but the Vandy's just get it right. I loved the piano on heard on the Vandy's better than any speaker I've listened to.
Hey CT, I went thru the same motions with AudioEtc.when I was moving from the Focus HD to the SE. Although the SE's they had were demos' and old style, ie no AMT-sounded horrible thru the Rotel equipment- they should rethink demoing Legacy's with better equipment. It was a misunderstanding even being there because I was interested in moving up to the AMT SE and wasnt interested in the predicate piano black SE demo. Being a brick and mortar shop they had no room to make a decent trade in offer/SE list price reduction on my mint HD's so I gladly dealt with a dealer in CA. My only risk was buying them unheard, and that didnt bother me. My HD's were great in my system so my thought was the SE/AMT could only be better. It worked out well as he sold my HD's for me (ie trade in-great price) and gave me a great price on the SE's with free ship right from Legacy. It worked out well with WAF as I told her they were smaller speakers! DOH! The sculpted cabs are deceiving. However, Fed-Ex damaged one in shipping and Legacy made good, building me a brand new pair and used UPS Freight instead. The Aeris looks awesome and probably sounds just as, but way out of my $$ league. Gear upgrades are done as my first kid of three starts college next year. where in CT are you? I am in Meriden.