Schiit Bifront or Musical Fidelity M1

Hi, I'm looking to buy either the Schiit Bifront USB 2 with Uber upgrade or Musical Fidelity M1-A (async), the M1 is about $200 cheaper, so my question, is the Schiit worth the extra, anybody had both?
Amp - Plinius 2100 Integrated
Speakers - Wharfedale Opus 1
Source - Home built W7 music server running J.River

I like the fact that the Bifrost is upgradable. As they come out with better components, you can just add them instead of buying a new unit.
Zman - I upgraded the USB port on my Bifrost to their latest Gen 2 version just after it was announced and it was well worth the money.

A significant improvement in details across the board.

It gives me confidence that future upgrades will probably be as beneficial.

I bought the $519 version with all current upgrades. It will be here Tues. I hope I like it.
Zman - just get good cables - it will sound great

Did you get the UBER upgrade - it makes a difference

I've just ordered the v-link192 just to see if that makes a difference - as opposed to using the USB directly into the DAC

There's lots of positive feedback about the v-link, so it will be interesting to see what transpires :-)

I'll keep you posted as to the outcome.

Willie - I use extremely good cables... my own. I am a cable manufacture. :)
I'm thinking about building a server instead of using a PC. I hear they sound much better.