Fed rate increase = lower hifi prices?

Will the recent rate hike meant to slow down the economy result in lower hifi prices?  Seems everything shot up during Covid. Will we now see some relief?

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  I am a "rightist" extolling the virtues of capitalism.

And I am Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi was an exceptional human....who also didn’t know much about economics.

Will the recent rate hike meant to slow down the economy result in lower hifi prices?


[some words struck out to avoid answering a leading question]


"In a few months the CPI comps to last year alone are gonna dramatically reduce inflation, and as supply channels gradually open inflation will fall even further and we’ll still have an economy growing at above 3%."



Yes, that is one way to avert disaster, providing that it's benefits trickle down to the working people.

Let's hope that you're right.

It's certainly a pretty confusing situation here in the UK right now.

Confidence in politicians seems to be at an all time low but our chancellor Rishi Sunak seems to be one of the more capable ones.

Some of still remember 2008 when we were told that it was either plan A or bust!

There was no plan B.