Seeking thoughts on Apogee Caliber Ribbon speakers

I just obtained a pair of Apogee Caliber Ribbon loudspeakers. I was trying to find opinions and evaluations on them, but there does not seem to be much information at all on this model. I'm just curious if anyone has any information on them. Good speakers? Great speakers? Junk?
Apogee Calipers are absolutely fantastic speakers, assuming that you have the right room for them and the right amp or amps (yes, plural) to drive them. There are few (if any) speakers that I believe equal the sound of a properly situated pair of Apogee planars.

I have owned several models of Apogee speakers, starting with the original Full Range Planar model, and I have thoroughly enjoyed them all. Although the Caliper is one model I have not owned, although I have listened to them many times with friends that had them.

1- Large, although the Calipers were one of the "small" models. Other speakers can disappear into the decor - Apogees never will do this. They will become the visual focal point of the room.
2- Hard to drive. Again, the Calipers were not the most difficult Apogee speaker to mate to an amp
3- Room dynamics and placement
4- Replacement ribbon and panel parts can be difficult and expensive, although that situation has improved in recent years. Now it's just expensive
4- WAF - very poor female love quotient. Re-read #1

In case you haven't seen them, here are some good links:
Positive Feedback Review
Stereophile Review
Apogee Speakers Userr Website (archive)
Br3098 THANKS SO MUCH for your research and results. Such a comprehensive article on these speakers. I really appreciate it. I am anxious to find a "mega watt" amp to really try them out. Now I am using 65wpc, one per input. It needs "something" and I'm pretty sure that "something" is more power. Sadly my hearing is not good enough to hear and appreciate what these speakers are capable of. After I am sure that they are working properly I'll probably have to find a new home for them. Thanks again!!
Dear Br3098, it is obvious that your knowledge of ribbon speakers is far above mine. With that in mind I'd like to ask you a question. At moderate volumes and above I will get substantial "breakup" when bass is anything but flat. I have examined the woofer and there is nothing loose. The ribbon seems to be as taught as a person would want it to be (without any definite knowledge of that). I am using a 63 watt rms amp for the woofer and the same for the mid/upper. I cannot compare the two speakers just yet. I don't want to do anything to the second one before I have had a chance to remove it from the case and check for any problems. Just a little anxious here. The amp I am using I am assuming is the problem. I don't think it can cope with a 3 ohm load. It a Phast 8 channel x 63 watt unit. Might you have any thoughts on this situation? Ribbon Newby