Whose crystal ball is best?
That is an EXCELLENT question. In all my years of experience the answer that seems most likely to me is NOBODY’S. And that certainly includes me. Any model can make someone a hero at a point in time, then the market shifts and you’re a dinosaur. Anecdotal note: after Elaine Garzarelli called the crash in 1987 she was on top of the investment strategy world, but she was absolutely paranoid after that because she knew her rep would be tied to calling when to get back INTO the market. She’d call me monthly (she was a client of ours) to see if our models were supporting what hers were saying to give her peace of mind that she wasn’t missing the boat. Point is, even the best know their crystal ball is right only some of the time.
Anyway, It seems I’ve come across as an arrogant ass here, and for that I apologize. The fact is, the longer you do this and if you’re a realist and smart, the biggest thing you learn is humility. My crystal ball is possibly no better than anyone else’s, although I’ve had the benefit of unlimited data and the ability to test and refine it over time. And I agree with many of the insightful points that have been made here. The only difference is I’ve had the opportunity to test my models and refine them into fairly reliable predictive buy/sell indicators over close to 40 years. If you believe in your assertions made here, I’d encourage you to track your own models against the market and try to create upper and lower bounds bounds that denote reliable buy or sell signals over time. Then you’ll be able to put your ideas to work for you in a truly objective and quantifiable way if you really believe in them. I’ll warn you ahead of time, it’s not quite as easy as it sounds, but it can be well worth the effort. I’ll just leave it there and say peace out. Best of luck!