Acoustics and chair

I need a new chair for listening and am not sure the effects of a leather chair with headrest aproximately 24 inches wide behind the head
What do I know but I prefer leather and a headrest. I have a stressless recliner in one room and a Natuzzi grampa recliner in the other.
Mateored wrote,

"I am surprised by how many dealers have those tall-back Ikea chairs that go above ear level. They always ask me why I don't sit down, but the tall back completely changes the sound. How do they not know this?"

Not only that, the Ikea chairs change the sound even when you're not sitting in them. The sound is much better when the chair is removed entirely from the room.
The effect is exactly what you think it would be from having a reflective surface behind your head. If you must have a leather chair throw a blanket over it.
I have a leather chair the back is fairly low. But most of the time I sit on the edge and forward so the chair doesn't really effect the sound. However at times I lay back in the chair and my ears are below the seatback. It does effect the sound, one: as I sit forward I am closer to the speakers and two the seatback does effect reflection but I am further as well. At the end of the day I find that comfort is a major ingredient too. That levetation suggestion does souund good except for when you lose concentration, drop and the record skips!