10k Towers with biggest soundstage?

seeking recommendations on largest, tallest, widest soundstage from 10k-ish tower speakers

please and thanks



Vandersteen Treo CT for just under $10K. 

Wide soundstage with great highs, mid, and deep bass. They will disappear within the soundstage and are not difficult to drive but as anything else goes they need to be paired with comparable electronics. 


The sound scene should correspond to the recording, the task of the setut is not to enlarge it.

I agree!


Horns Mummy by Autotech.  Conversation starting look, which isn't for everybody though.  

For under $10,000 nothing can come close to the Magnepan 3.7i. Add to that a good subwoofer like a REL s510. For image size, well, everything else is just some variation of a vibrating cone or two in a box. And sounds like it. At just under 6ft tall and 2ft wide, and most of that moving membrane, the ear senses the size of the Maggie. A couple 6" cones just can't create the same sense of acoustic space.