Mint LP Best Protractor

Does anyone know where to purchase a Mint LP Best Protractor other than from Mint LP?
I’ve been trying their web sight for a week and it doesn’t work.
My turntable is a VPI Super Prime Scout with a 10.5 inch VPI JMW UNI Pivot tonearm?

I find that setup is everything when it comes to the sound quality of a vinyl setup.  That said, I have the mint for my basis 2800 and it works very well.  Yes, it takes an hour or two to get things set up initially, but I find the results worth the time and effort.

@rushfan71 did you manage to get an answer from Yip at Mint LP Solution? Trying to contact him and I’m not getting any replies.

@jaypare yes I did.

However that was around the time I started this thread.

Good luck to you.


It took a full week in Feb. for Yip to respond to my order. Then about 3 weeks to receive the protractor. It's worth the wait!
