Have you tried to drive a current mode phono stage with an SS LOMI?
While I have not, Peter explained to me that he is quite impressed with the results as long as suitable phono cables are utilized - something which I’ve often tried to emphasize.
"Suitable" = very low capacitance, I assume. My question was more about the effect of MI inductance on cartridge output impedance as frequency increases and how that affects the efficiency of current drive. It would be of interest to know which of the many "transimpedance" phono stages PL uses. Because my own investigation indicates they vary quite a bit in input impedance, some not so close to zero as one might like. |
@atmasphere Of course, Ralph, you are right. A built-in phono, well chosen, is also a simplicity. I come from that tradition: Audible Illusions, CAT, MFA Luminescence. My current situation of line + phono stage is really to explore the possibilities of the medium, it's a learning experience for me, not a search for a particular sound.
@mijostyn Isn't the difference between a 'warm' and 'lean' sounding system a shift in frequency responses? Or are you saying that the shift in frequency response is really a shift away from neutral / natural sound? I thought that's what difference devices do, ameliorate or exacerbate sound through the manipulation of frequency responses. Sorry, I get a bit hung up on terminology. Please provide reporting of the Seta L+ somewhere in this forum. It would provide important data point, especially coming from you. BTW, in my communication with Rob at Channel D, he found a way to squeeze a '1/4 Seta L20' into a Lino C ( with a modified chassis). Yes, fitting a quarter of his TOTL phono into a Lino C!
@dover Would you confirm if my guess on the Vd Hul Grail is correct? Like Lew, I did a bit more research on it, and it seems a very accomplished unit. Fremer compared it favorably with the CH Precision. Would be interested in hearing more from you on the Grail. Thanks!
No it is as @lewm stated - I have a bespoke moving coil step up using current mode/current sensing - the output is connected to the Marantz 7 phono (stage ) input. It is not available commercially.
Please excuse my ignorance and technical understanding, but I have a strong opinion that the + & - cartridge signal paths should be as similar as possible. Such a belief shuns any use of coaxial cable - yes, inductance not good. On transimpedance phono inputs featuring RCA style inputs, such an assumption isn’t so intuitive. Knowledge of SME’s use of twisted pair phono cable construction sheds light perfectly on this scenario as each + & - path of their RCA outputs feature identical runs all the way back to the cartridge pins exhibiting perfectly balanced cartridge signals without XLR outputs. Continuing on that theme, SME only accesses the optional signal shield via a “drain” wire which exits the rear of the output RCA connector for optional noise control if needed - just tie it with chassis ground. As far as keeping capacitance low, as long as each + & - cartridge signal path is again equal, I cannot see where that would hurt - Mogami W2549 works exceptionally well and is a well known low capacitance conductor. |