Rogue Audio and Audio Research Comparisons

   Recently I've purchased a Rogue ST-100 amp and enjoying quite a bit. My personal opinion is it punches way above its price point and in my opinion has a lot of the Audio Research sonic characteristics. Curious has anyone owned both Rogue and ARC and what are your thoughts?  I'm not referring to the current Ref series but the older such as REF110, REF150 and REF75SE.  


I did try the RP9 with Apollo Darks. Ref 6 or VAC Master is a better match in my system, even with the Apollo Darks. Actually the older Rogue Athena was a better match too. Hera II sounded really good but was too microphonic and noisy. RP9 sounded the most solid-state like out of all (and the Ref 6 is a hybrid too, though mostly tube). If my system was too warm and dark, the RP9 would be a great fit. Yes, it is very airy (so is the Ref 6). But I still feel the Master and Ref 6 are more refined and nuanced.

At least with the RP9 and Athena, a quad of 6H30 shouldn’t be terrible to source for a while and each set should last a long time. The ARC Reference components use 7 of these tubes each, and I'd be a little nervous if I didn't have spares.

The Apollo Dark’s bass impact and dynamics are superb. What did you mean "less" in reference to? Actually it can sometimes be TOO much here, with certain preamp / source and tube combinations (I like to use 12BH7 in place of 12AU7 which definitely contributes to this). I don’t like it to swamp the music, so system matching must be done with care. But it’s got more on tap there than the VAC 200iQ monos, for sure.

When I first bought Audio Research Ref 75Se last year and listen,I did not found it is such a good amplifier compared with Audio Research Old one VT100 MK iii.

The sound is different style from VT100 MK iii. When I listen and listen everyday, I realize 75SE is a big step up from VT100 MK iii, although I still love VT100 MK III.

My understanding for the amplifier right now is that  if the amplifier do the emotional narrative or not.

REF 75SE  in my opinion might be the top 10 best amplifier in the price under $10000.  Now there is REF 80s and the price is almost 50% higher.

Have no experience on Rogue Audio.




Just brought home a Pair of Rogue Apollo Monos from Upscale audio.

Love them.

I saw those Rogue Apollo's on Upscales site.  I bet they sound wonderful.  

I want the Apollo monoblocks so bad, just can't quite justify getting them right now!  I have no doubt they sound fantastic.  To me the Rogue sound is detailed, a bit muscular (for tube amps), with sweet, yet accurate not overdone treble.  My previous amp was a Parasound Halo, and my Stereo 100 has more defined bass, and less (zero) treble grain.  If the Apollos are like the Stereo 100, but better, then sign me up!  The value that Rogue provides is simply excellent taboot.  Figure within 5 years I'll have the Apollos.