Need Recommendations for a pair of Speakers around $1,000

Hey All !

Ok, so with wife is good with spending about $1K on a pair of speakers.

I'm not sure of the preamp yet but the amp will most likely be an Adcom GFA-545 not the 545II.

I now have an older pair of Dayton Wright LCM-1's which are more suited to a smaller room.

The new speakers will be in the living room connected to the Adcom and also a signal fed from the TV but I don't want a multi-speaker system. Stereo is fine and if they sound good to me with music the wife will be happy with the TV sound. She just wants them to look good and not have a lot of wires hanging around. We'll be listening to vinyl, CD's, Lossless, FM and possibly music fed through Apple or AT&T fiber optic TV setup.

The living room is 19' w X  29' d with a 12' ceiling, hardwood oak flooring and 4 - 6' tall windows on one wall. The other side wall is open to a long entrance way and 2/3 of the far side is open to the kitchen are.

I thought about a used pair of Klipsch Hersey's but I keep reading comments that they are too outdated compared to advances in audio over the last few decades.

So for around $1K what are some good choices. I'm OK with used.

Thank you !




I have the Reserve 700 in music room, running off of a Rotel RA-1572 MKII, these are a slightly lesser priced version, but have gotten very good reviews.


Wharfedale have gotten good reviews:


I am not affiliated with Crutchfield, I just have had good dealings with them through internet purchases.

Ah, used Merlin TSM monitors.  A classic, easy to drive, sealed cabinet so little room interaction, simple black studio with no fancy finish to mar.  They work well with a myriad of amplifiers not considered audiophile.

Second hand Revel F36 or F35 floor standing speakers. Possibly something from Focal.

I have very similar space. Relatively live room. I tried some very expensive speakers...and none of them sounded good enough for me, some no better than my old Allison CD8s. Some worse. Until I bought a used set of MB Quart QSL 830s. You can get these for half of your budget and they outperformed anything I had. I have them a bit out from the wall, so there is that issue vs the Allisons, but they are room filling, spatial, and disappear. Also a small footprint for a floorstander, narrow, they look great and certainly look better than a stand will with a monitor. Mine are wired in from 40 feet away from the components in another room. Not expensive gear and still sound better or equal to a couple more expensive setups I have. Just great and amazing for the money.