B&W 802d - Power, Help/ Opinion please

I have B&W 802D, i need better amps, Im going second hand. I am as of right now tossing up between Bryston 7b ST's ($3800 for pair year 2000ish or a Mark Levinson 432 (5.5K) Please do advise as I have no idea i haven't seen or heard either.
By all means pros & cons for the prices listed. what do you think. cheers.
There's a high end store here in town that carries both the Levinson gear and B&W speakers. I've heard the B&W 800D and 802D speakers run with Levinson gear quite a few times. I don't know if I actually ever heard it with the 432, but the B&Ws always sounded good to me with the Levinson gear. The 432 is 400/800 watts into 8/4 ohms, so that should be plenty. I ran my B&W Silver Signatures with a 50 watt Krell KSA-50S for years.

I've never heard the Bryston amps, so I can't be of any help here.

while I can't speak to the Levinson component I would advise (having owned a variety of Bryston amps) I would not go for the "ST" version. If you are looking in the $5K range then look at the "SST2" version as they will be a better match with the B&W speakers. The "ST" models are 2 versions older than the current "SST2" model designation.

An alternate choice would be higher powered Classe amps.