Speakers to consider around 5k used?

I'm a newbie to the high quality world of audio. I'm interested in getting a decent system together. I'm looking for the highest quality speaker in the 4-6k range used. My listening habits are eclectic. Primarily Electronic, Rock/Pop, Classical/Soundtrack, and Traditional/Folk. My room size is an average sized USA house living room. I don't want a speaker that is overly detailed or bright that leads to harshness or fatigue, neither one that is too warm or veiled. I want a neutral speaker that is realistic and true to source without being difficult to listen to, especially in the highs. I am starting with the speakers, and have no other hi-fi equipment. However, I'm considering a network DAC player for my source.

What speakers should I be looking at and which are the best in this range available?

Check out Zu. Great speakers, several in your price range. The just released DruidV is amazing. 60 day guarantee. Incomparable customer service.
I have compared all of the speakers mentioned minus audiokinesis and revels. Although not side by side. I ended with Kef r900. Based on your likes I would demo these if you can. List 5k and for me it was easy to decide. I will say the speakers mentioned are rather fine, my second choice were the Joseph audio perspective then new Dynaudio's. I also believe you will not like the Sonus Faber's
You should be able to pickup a demo pair of the Legacy Signatures around five and they are awesome.
The lease expensive and most trouble free way for you to do this is to go out and listen to some speakers and then make a decision based on what you thought was best. If you choose a different path, the chance of making a mistake is very high. I would say at least 75% to 80%.

Another thing, and just as important, is to not use 5K as a target price. Find something you like first, and then look at the price. You may very well find something you like for a lot less. And if that's not the case and you end up wanting something for more money, better to just save up and get that instead of wasting 5k on something you won't like.
I recommend the Philharmonic 3 speaker. Dennis Murphy builds them in the DC area. They are only $3500 new but they sound like a $20k speaker. For your budget, you could have them build a beautiful piano finish cabinet to your specifications. If their form factor appeals to you, I wouldn't buy anything else until you went over to hear them yourself.

