I have extensive listening experience with Klipsch Forte II.
If you like rock music they are AMAZING. They would fill a large room with NO problem. I have them setup in my father's barn (about the size of a 4 car garage with peaked roof and open area above having exposed roof trusses) and the place sounds like a nightclub! The high efficiency gives them an aura of effortless power and dynamics.
They also sound good at low volume too, and have plenty of detail.
Some picky reviewers say they don't like the sound of horn loaded drivers, but these are definitely worth a listen before you cross them off your list. What they can do is awesome. They would be an end-game choice for many folks.
You would have to consider the large cabinet size maybe being a negative.
I also like KIT speakers. You can easily get TWICE the parts quality for the same money as retail finished speaker. Helios I have just ordered from Meniscus Audio, is higher than the specified budget here, but just to the support the argument that YES I love kit speakers.