Exactly what I am looking into doing, the simplest design possible, using quality parts of course. Much easier that replacing op amps, caps, etc without having a schematic, to change freq and have a cleaner signal on the sub amps crossover I am using. I will have to work out the value of the caps which I likely have on hand, the rest is quite easy. Since my mains roll off below 70 hz I will have to aim for that point but will try above and below it as well.
Sub amp is AB but unfortunately mono, wish I could fit two of them or have two smaller mono amps but it is a decent amp, more than enough power and has variable phase, Q, single band EQ. Only issue is the op amps are moderate in quality and the crossover is a fixed slope of 12db at 80hz. I have been looking into swapping op amps to higher grade, caps, etc and changing freq to 70hz etc...but a passive is so much easier, and I can go from the DAC (R2R in the near future) directly to the tube amp without going through an op amp.