Back in the Fall on 1977, I was in the back seat of a friend's car, getting a ride home from high school. The radio was playing and someone said, "Hey, this is Queen's new song. Turn it up!"
"We Will Rock You" was playing. Stomp, stomp, clap... stomp, stomp clap... along with Freddy Mercury, coming out of the 6x9 inch speakers, inches from the back of my head. Then the feedback of Brian May's guitar started coming through, building up to that first power chord, and that mean sounding guitar!. It was the first time I'd heard it and was quite simply, in awe. What is coming next here? How do you top that?
Then the opening lyrics of "We Are The Champions" started.
Total buzz kill! Literally! You're kidding me, right? One of my first anticlimactic experiences.
What am I missing?