Best power cord for a preamp?

I wish to upgrade.


@slaw . Lack of noise. Fast power delivery. Lowest noise will allow detail, nuance, (dynamics- as lowest sounds heard)  :)  . 

Top-tier power cords are the best way to tweak a state-of-the-art system for maximum realism and definition. After tube rolling, cable selection and matching, suspension tuning, final equipment selections, speaker adjustments, and room acoustics, you may not quite have that timbral naturalness and background blackness that brings the system to life. For that final adjustment, try different power cords to bring out those important nuances”.

If you can read S… like this and still have the ‘audiophile’ urge to waste money there is professional health help available.

It took while for me to figure out that the first half was a quote. 😙

Getting a recommendation from the preamp or amp manufacturer can be helpful.
Generally they either laugh.
Or they do not comment.

Of course for the equipment we have both heard, it does have a power supply which was not a freebie.

Lack of noise. Fast power delivery. Lowest noise will allow detail, nuance, (dynamics- as lowest sounds heard)  :)  

Why particularly the preamp, have you solved the power amp cable?

Just changing the preamp's power cable alone will not bring the upgrades you are looking for. 

My suggestion is borrowing a set, for both power and pre, from a dealer and listen how it goes, if you like the change decide if you want to spend more or less.



Having recently been called out over another thread on interconnects and their effect on sound, I shared the amount of experimenting I've been doing, it's to the point of tuning my gear with cables, I've found power to have a the least effect. One poster suggested purchasing high quality ends, have you thought of building your own? IMO with power, it seems more impact is with gauge rather than material - OFC/OCC/Silver. Home Depot carries 12GA 2 conductor w/ground for a reasonable price per foot and have found it to make wonderful power cables with the right ends installed. Although, the only instance where power made a huge sound dynamic change for me was pulling out a power conditioner I had - instantly it opened up my DAC and Pre to an entirely different level - all sorts of cable, receptacles, etc not so much - but it's a fun project; maybe a couple of PS Audio receptacles, copper rhodium plated ends and a run of the thickest gauge you can use. Post back what you end up doing.