Halide Bridge vs hiFace Evo vs Sonicweld 192

I've given up on the Squeezebox Touch and as skeptical as I am from previous experience with some cheap USB converters (Trends(?) and HagTech) I'm intrigued to try it again based on some reviews, mainly the Halide Bridge (even after reading; USB audio receiver code, Streamlength™, by Wavelength Audio*).

Find Missing Link

I've wanted to use my iMac/iTunes (Front Row) for years but nothing sounded satisfying enough, including $1K-$3500 USB DAC's*. My system is very resolving and uses the Reimyo DAP-777. The reviews give the Bridge a slight edge in musicality compared to hiFace Evo and no comparisons with Sonicweld 192. Plus I'd rather not pay $1200. Wow! Price increase since I last looked into it - $1,799.00! &*%$!
Wavelength Audio WaveLink HS 24/192 USB to SPDIF converter.

To throw another one into the mix. ;-) Better then Halide Bridge apart from 24/192?

I wish there were some other members who've compared these devices. At least to have some others experience, opinions,... beyond which DAC input is best.

Btw, I'm currently using AppleTV via AirPlay with Optical cable. Not bad actually. It is early though. Still having wireless drop out problems, not as bad as SBT.
"not all Converters will behave the same with all DACs-no matter what the price or quality. Some get best Sound Quality with Firewire, others with USB, some with Fiber Optic, Wireless, SPDIF, BNC, AES/EBU. They can't be all optimized for best sound quality for all DACs, that
would be impossible."

Total nonesense. An async USB converter with low jitter will improve the sound quality of virtually all DACs. The only variable is the S/PDIF coax cable or AES/EBU cable used.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
There is apparently some miscommunication here. My apologies for the missunderstanding here. I have been
buying High End Audio for over thirty years. In that
time I have owned Theta Data/Theta DS Pro Gen. IV
Processor with Theta's Single Mode Glass Fiber optic
connector. I have owned Mark Levinson No. 37 Transport/
No. 360s Processor with AES/EBU Digital out and DAC
with fully Balanced Topology-not just another AES/EBU
Input. PS Audio makes a Transport/Processor known as the
Perfect Wave System that utilizes an I2S connector. Exact same as Audio Alchemy? You would be wrong! PS Audio reworked the I2S when they developed the Perfect Wave
System. These Inputs do NOT sound the same, I have heard them, and I have owned them. It would be theoretically
impossible, based on simple Electrical Theory. that they
would even sound the same. All Fiber Optical Connectors have to go through two conversion Stages, one converts
Electrical signal to optical signal, another converts
optical back to electrical. This gives good Electrical
isolation between Source and Processor, but requires Digital Signal pass between two conversion stages. AES/EBU
does NOT pass through the same two conversion stages, and you lose the Electrical isolation. Basic Electrical Theory
would deny that you could even concieve of recieving the
exact same signal from both. Based on simple Electrical
Theory, it isn't possible. They are simply not the same
process, hell they are not even close. Yes, I DO hear a difference which verifies what simple Electrical Theory
tells me. I have not owned these Transports/Processors in a Vacuum, others have owned them as well. They also report hearing the same thing, variation in Sound Quality based on the type of Input. Reviewers have been reporting on these differences (Stereophile, The Absolute Sound...etc)
and the compatibility with other equipment based on different Inputs for well over 30 years of Reviewing Digital Equipment. All Digital Outputs (CD) sound exactly the same has been the longest lie that has ever been foistered on the American Public. Now it is being ressurected with PC Audio despite 30 years of experience to the contrary. It would be impossible to get so many of them exactly the same, Electrical Theory says it can't be done. Nothing in this Universe is THAT perfect, unless you live in an Empirical Audio Universe where the Earth is
concidered perfectly flat! Of course you don't understand
how a round Earth works, the same way that you don't understand how different Inputs could affect Sound Quality. Explain then, how SAKAHARA can't seem to get anything that sounds satisfying with his System. By your standard, the Sound Quality he recieves is nonsense! "The
only variable is the S/PDIF coax cable or AES/EBU cable
used"! Well there you go SAKAHARA, according Empirical Audio, its all in your head. According to them, you just have the wrong cable! You are looking for another Converter/Processor because you know you have a compatibility problem. They say pretend no difference exists. I gave up pretending when I was 5 years old, and I am not going back! Stop trying to rewrite the laws of Physics, and stop trying to rewrite 30 years of historical
experience with Digital Audio. All CD Players sound the same, all PC's sound the same, all Inputs sound the same,
what is the next Wives Tale you want to sell the American Public? You would have to make a concerted effort to even try and make them sound the same, and you would still lose!
Stop playing God, your not very good at it, and besides the position is already taken. Perfect in every way? Based on Human Inperfect Manufacturing? Now who is talking
Nonsense? You think it is that Perfect? Don't make me laugh! In your Dreams, maybe!
Nice GCE Audioengr. I already gave multitude of variables
in my Statement, unless you can't tell the difference between a S/PDIF coax cable, Toslink, and USB Cable? Are you trying to say, in your Universe, that Firewire/BNC/
ST Glass Fiber/Wireless/Toslink don't exist? The only thing that does is S/PDIF coax and AES/EBU? I suppose you fancy yourself as the center of this imaginary Universe.
Perhaps the other Connectors fell off of the edge of your
Engineered Flat Earth Design. You are comparing Apples to Apples and claiming no difference. I am comparing Kiwi to Watermelon, and can't understand how you can possibly miss the difference! Optical goes thru two conversion stages, electrical to optical, then optical back to electrical. Its like sending your Digital signal through
a meat grinder, and expecting a T-bone Steak to come out the other end. This is the same as Co-axial or AES/EBU?
Only if you were the Son of God! So step off of your
mile high pedestal, you are nowhere near that Holy! If you
still think that you can walk on water, I would love to see that! What kind of Empirical Audio Engineering Nonsense
is this? Go back to basic Electrical Theory 101, Electricity doesn't quite travel through Glass or Plastic
fibers quite as well as it does through Copper Wire. You
are aware of those two little conversion stages in the
optical medium, right? You didn't really think that those
Optical Fibers were passing live current more efficiently
did you? Hey, hey, what about a DAC with a USB Input?
Gee, Professor, "the only variable here is the S/PDIF coax
cable or AES/EBU cable used"-huh?! "An async USB Converter
with low jitter will improve the Sound Quality of virtually all DACs", does that also include DAC's with USB Input too? Gee, Audioengr, I have nipples-can you milk me too?
I take that back about AppleTV - it sounds terrible compared to Squeezebox Touch. Another let down, besides the constant wireless interruptions.

iTune (AirPlay)>AppleTV>Optical(AQ OptiLink-1)>DAP-777
iTunes/SqueezeBox Server>SBT>S/PDIF RCA (Kimber D-60)>DAP-777